
Those Advanced Degrees on Your Resume: Are They Holding You Back?

Again,  The Economist  is at it: Presenting the data that those expensive Master's degrees typically have, as the headline reads, "Diminishing returns."  For years that publication has had the mission of trying to wise up potential consumers of advanced degrees to not make the purchase: The BA/BS is plenty and should be a terminal degree.  The Wall Street Journal  has also launched crusades against Ivies billing plenty for degrees such as the MFA from Columbia which have a lousy ROI when it comes to salaries. BTW, good luck even being hired.  Finally something might get done about this tragic reality. A minor disruption could happen if institutions of higher learning are mandated to issue disclaimers for degrees which inflict big student loan debt and doom the consumer to low compensation. The Economist discusses that.  But the big bang could blast through the higher education system if Donald Trump focuses his attention on finally ending America's bli...

It's One Thing to Sit at Your Desk with Fantasies about Work With Less Pressure, More Flexibility ...

  Ah. It's the collective daydream of overworked overwhelmed and overlooked careerists: Pull the plug on all that and settle into, yes, semiretirement.  Sure, the money could be less. Or it could be more. After all, you're very smart.  The benefits would be gone but eventually you will be eligible for Medicare and right now you are very healthy. That fantasy is wonderful escapism. But you can't allow it to distract you from the realities of leaving your career, at this time. Most of those I coach simply can't afford to embrace semiretirement. Not financially. Not Emotionally. Not Socially. At least not at this point in their lives. Here is the deal: Too soon for government entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security. So, what will float your boat until you're eligible? You may have savings and investments. But you have to delay reaching into them since they might have to keep you living a comfortable life until age 100 or more.  Almost 80% of those in America ...

Semiretirement: Sanctuary for the Career-Wounded

 Please visit me and my thought leadership about semiretirement on Substack - . Here is today's analysis of the stampede out of careers and into the refuge of lower-pressure semiretirement. You made it this far. The next phase could be semiretirement. Coach For Seniors Jane Genova welcomes providing you with a complimentary You consultation about that transition. Text/phone 203-468-8579, email for appointment. Fees custom-made for your current budget.  

Semiretirement: Young People Are Opting In, With a New Version of FIRE

 I am thrilled to share with you my article published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations on semiretirement. A surprise finding is that youth are opting out of careers in a new version of FIRE and taking refuge in semiretirement. You made it this far. The next phase could be semiretirement. Coach For Seniors Jane Genova welcomes providing you with a complimentary You consultation about that transition. Text/phone 203-468-8579, email for appointment. Fees custom-made for your current budget.  

Leaders' Legacy - Should Disney's Bob Iger Have Opted for Semiretirement vs. Return Ride Back?

Bob Iger retired from the CEO position at Disney riding high. Part of that was his bestselling book on leadership principles "The Ride of a Lifetime." Very quickly he became restless, as many former leaders do. The classic on that profound sense of loss is Jeffrey Sonnenfeld's 1991 book "The Hero's Farewell." Essentially they can't let go of that high of power, nonstop action, attention and ability to make big things happen.  So, Iger implemented strategy to be invited back to that CEO position. Had he given the post-career more time - that is, created a semiretired branding - he might have preserved the legacy he had put together. What he re-entered has been a perfect storm. Reporters dug up the details of how he muscled his way back in with seeming sharp elbows. The media landscape had changed and Iger was still talking and implementing as an old media guy. The bottom line took a hit and so did the stock price. To use the platitude: The Magic Kingdom...

FORCED OUT! That's Becoming Standard Route to Semiretirement (much will change)

  Typically, it is so obvious that you are being forced out of an organization that when the exit actually occurs it's a downright relief. Euphoria is common.  Also, that management dynamic, especially when it happens to the over-50, could trigger the shift from a career to semiretirement. Pro Publica documents that more than half of you over-50 will be pushed out. Never underestimate the ordeal of the adjustment process. It almost isn't emotionally relevant if you pull the plug or that's done for you. Of course, it is financially and legally very relevant what terms and conditions you will negotiate. Those could be associated with if you resign or if hold on and are fired. So, as you pick up that you might be iced out it could be smart to consult an employment lawyer. Just introducing the lawyer into the loop can strengthen your hand in dealing with the whatevers.  Yet there are those who come to me for intuitive coaching who contend getting the boot was a shock.  A...

Substack Mission: Doing Semiretirement, Without Apology

  I am thrilled to announce that I'm now publishing on Substack. The subject is semiretirement.  Although almost 27% of us are working beyond age 65 and that will escalate up to almost 30% by 2032 there remains stigma about being post-career. After all, since the GI Bill launched the Era of Knowledge Worker you had to be obsessively engaged in a career. Working at a job, that was for the lower caste.  When the career ends, either your choice or your employer's, you can become "less than." Of course, you are made to feel invisible.  My mission is to change that: Blow out the shame factor in semiretirement.  Here is the manifesto on Substack. Please swing by my site on Substack and subscribe. It's free. The url is You made it this far. The next phase could be semiretirement. Coach For Seniors Jane Genova welcomes providing you with a complimentary consultation about that transition. Text/phone 203-468-8579, email janegenova374...