
Showing posts from January, 2025

Nowhere to Go - Another Golden Age of Entrepreneurship

The shift was abrupt. One day those in a professional niche are marketable. If they became unhappy with work conditions they could simply hunt for another opportunity. That includes both employees and those contracted to provide services. BINARY LABOR MARKET Now, the labor market is hardening into a binary state. There are those who remain marketable, such as the powerhouse partner brandnames in large law firms such Kirkland & Ellis, Skadden and Paul Weiss. And then there are those, ranging from specialists in DEI to providers of woo-woo services/products, who, as demand dries up, have nowhere to go. NOWHERE TO GO Politico  features that development for government employees whose knowledge base had been ensuring equitable recruiting, retention and promotion of a diverse workforce. In this mid-sized city in southeastern Arizona, as a career coach, I am bearing witness to the shuttering of services/product vendors related to what is known as "woo-woo." Those could b...

Age 50: End of Jobs, Promotions, Raises (and dignity)

 It used to be that you were "done" in the workplace when you were heading toward 65. Now the perception of "old" kicks in at age 50. You are likely to be forced out. If you survive and hold on to your job promotions and raises dry up. That's the new usual.  But you can dodge those bullets with 5 powerhouse strategies on how to not be branded as old. I introduce them in this article in "O'Dwyer's Public Relations. Low on hope about finding, holding, or moving on to better work?  Getting that back is the first step. Then you and I, as your career coach, move on to diagnosing what's in the way, trying out the solutions and creating the communications you need. Free consultation. No pressure. After that, fees custom-made for your budget. Please contact for an appointment Jane Genova (text/phone 203-468-8579, 

The New Influence: Legacy Media on Such Short Time

This is the new influence: Piling on massive followers on professional and social networks. And those followers have to be busy bees liking, commenting, reposting and linking to your postings on other networks. I explain this phenomenon on Substack . Low on hope about finding, holding, or moving on to better work?  Getting that back is the first step. Then you and I, as your career coach, move on to diagnosing what's in the way, trying out the solutions and creating the communications you need. Free consultation. No pressure. After that, fees custom-made for your budget. Please contact for an appointment Jane Genova (text/phone 203-468-8579, 

2025: Boomers With Nest Eggs and Boomers Who Have to Start Over Again

44,565.07 USD ▲  +408.34 (+0.92%) today January 23, 4:53 PM EST   ·   Market Closed   Nice action on the Dow. Our nest eggs are doing well. We are the blessed Boomers. Not at all blessed are the Boomers with little or no financial reserve who are out there hustling for income from working - at whatever they can grab. Right now there hasn't been a lot to grab, not unless you're open to learning new skills. Yes, that even pertains to gigs.  As a career coach specializing in guiding seniors who are semiretired I have been pushing circling back to the community college and legit profit-based training centers for certifications and licensing.  A recent client, in his early 60s, kicked off a new way of making ends meet by getting his commercial license. Right now he's working locally. But he plans to upgrade his license for long-distance hauls. Another became certified in home healthcare. She hopes eventually to open her own placement business for that.  A t...

How Companies Can Get Employees Back to Using the Phone

  Businesses have backed off from the old-line medium of voice communications.  In the 1950s we boomers called that the telephone. How we loved talking talking talking on the phone. First party lines. Then, what progress, our own private lines.  By relying primarily on email, message apps and DMs, currently organizations miss out on the powerhouse advantages of talking on the phone. In this article in Substack I explain those edges and introduce 3 ways to get workers back talking on the phone to succeed professionally.  Low on hope about finding, holding, or moving on to better work?  Getting that back is the first step. Then you and I, as your career coach, move on to diagnosing what's in the way, trying out the solutions and creating the communications you need. Free consultation. No pressure. After that, fees custom-made for your budget. Please contact for an appointment Jane Genova (text/phone 203-468-8579, 

Bob Wells, Patron Saint for Financial/Emotional Survival Over-50

  More and more of the aging are in the pickle Fern found herself in. Her husband had died. Her job went poof when the industry in that small town shuttered. She was up in years. That is captured in the hit film "Nomadland." One day Fern climbs into her beat-up van and heads out of town into the unknown. Along the way she encounters Bob Wells . His mission is to equip aging nomads with survival skills. Like Fern, Wells had his own dark night of the soul. A divorce wiped him out financially. The suicide of his son hit hard.  Here in Subsack I introduce how to make it after you lose that good job. The two strikes against you are 1) The hiring rate is 3.3% and 2) Age bias is so there. I have been honored to be the Bob Wells in the lives of those whose hope was running low. Hope is the platform for a new start. In my work coaching I provide sliding scale fees. Pay what you can. Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the...

Kick-off of the Post-Trauma Era - No Generation, Including Prince Harry's, Can Get Away with Defining Itself That Way

The very long cover story on Prince Harry (along with Meghan Markle) in  Vanity Fair  looks like it’ll bring about the post-trauma era.  The hatchet job analysis by Anna Peele makes it uncool to take refuge in what went on in the past for an explanation of current behavior. This undoes a habit, extending back to the heyday of Freudian thought in America, of assuming our individual traumas are of great interest to others. And that those emotional upheavals, right up into our semiretired and retirement years, will get us off the hook for mistakes, missed opportunities and actual crimes.  The man-child featured in the Vanity Fair expose has created a comfort zone from reaching back to the memory of losing his mother in his childhood. He labels her death "murder." That path of living-in-the-trauma is well-worn. Oprah traveled it on the way to fame. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton made it part of their promotional narrative. Monica Lewinsky finally hit upon a brandin...

Boomer Nest Eggs - This Is More Like It

43,178.83 +660.55  (+1.55%) As of Wed. Jan 15, 2025 12:42 PM EST · Free Realtime Quote (USD) · Market open

Enjoying a Paradise on an Often Extreme Budget

 Perpetual sun. Relaxed ethos. Stunning views.  That kind of paradise exists outside southern California. And it's affordable even for the semiretired. That's Sierra Vista, Arizona. You can rent a 420 square foot studio, with a separate alcove for the bed, for a bit over $700. Because of the 4,000-foot elevation there's no extreme heat which saves on utility bills. The winters are mild which also saves on utility bills. In some ways it's the 15-minute city , that is most of everything is accessible by walking or biking. More of the residents who are post-careers are not replacing cars which conk out. They're tooling around town on e-bikes and e-scooters.  Yes, there is bus service. Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a backg...

How About Semitretirement Tooling Around Town on an E-bike?

  Ditch the car and ditch a big piece of financial angst. According to Nerd Wallet the monthly nut for a car is $1000+. For an e-bike after the purchase price of about $2,000 (but you can buy for much less) the outlay is peanuts.  Versions of e-bikes even include adult trikes. So, not being able to balance on a two-wheeler is no longer an issue. Shifting from a car to an e-bike means that in semiretirement you have more of an option to choose the work you want to do, what you will request for compensation and how much time you can afford to take off. Here in Substack I provide details about making an e-bike your primary mode of transportation. Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confiden...

A Bit of Release of Boomer Nest-Egg Tension - Plans to Unretire On-hold

  After a rough start to 2025, the Dow has bounced back. At least so far today.  That will leave some on the fence about their plan to unretire. Maybe they can continue not setting the alarm clock. That had been the universal symbol of being a working stiff.  42,104.50 USD ▲  +166.05 (+0.40%) today January 13, 11:36 AM EST  ·  Market Open Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email . Remote and in-person.

Rehoming of Powerhouse Players Out of Political Favor

Presidential administrations come and presidential administrations go. When they go so do the official federal government jobs of myriad powerhouse players. They have to use their networks and charm to be rehomed in other plum positions. With each rehoming, progressives who are out in cold as the conservatives take over cheer. The lastest heartwarming story of someone landing a good home is former Manhattan US Attorney Damian Williams. Actually he's returning to where he started as an associate. That was law firm Paul Weiss. He will be a partner. In some ways it's a blessing to have no-name work without a high profile or power. We are invisible. Like medieval monks we quietly labor. No one targets what we have. Podcaster Megyn Kelly doesn't rant about us. Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an...

The Dow Tumbles, Boomer Nest Eggs in Peril - More Could Unretire

41,978.47 -656.73  (-1.54%) As of Fri. Jan 10, 2025 11:27 AM EST · Free Realtime Quote (USD) · Market open 2025 is not starting out kind to Boomer nest eggs. Already about half of retirees have unretired. More will probably give up the good life and resume setting their alarm clocks to get up to work for income at something, anything.   Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email . Remote and in-person.

Security Guard Jobs - Lots of Them Available + Little Age Bias

  Walk into retail and you'll probably notice that the security guard is over-50. There tends to be less age bias than with other jobs and gigs. Overtime is usually available. And unlike the usual white-collar whatever, you don't have to bring work home. The best about being a security guard?   LinkedIn documents that it's one of the fastest growing fields in 2025. When I was 58 years old my industry had collapsed and with it the boutique I had founded. All a big shock. Until I processed all that and until I could figure out another business to start I applied for a seasonal security guard contract position in Sephora. I had no experience. But I was hired on the spot. When the holidays were over the security company hired me full time for an inner city Home Depot. It was days of heaven. Since it was not career stuff I could enjoy my co-workers, jaw-jaw confidently with the brass (was offered a supervisor position), bring in income without being wound so tight and feel ve...

What Has Changed (Totally) in Pitching for New Business

  Who brings in the new business is golden. Your age no longer matters. But rainmaking has changed a lot. And will continue to change in this disruptive era. In this article in Substack I explain the three current essentials in new business development.  Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email . Remote and in-person.

Boomer Nest Eggs: Nice Start of the Week

  43,040.80 USD ▲  +308.67 (+0.72%) today January 6, 10:10 AM EST  ·  Market Open

The Over-50 Are Redefining "Home"

 Not too long ago, the brutal rite of passage for the semiretired and retired was to pull up roots. That was from the HCOL (high cost of living) area where they had done their careers and nurtured deep friendships. They packed up and relocated to LCOL (low cost of living) areas.  Now, that must-do is almost a privilege. More and more of the aging are losing their houses and have nowhere to go. That is, they can't afford the rent in even the supposed LCOL regions. Tucson, Arizona, for example, which used to be the affordable mecca for the over-50, is now among the cities with the fastest rising rents. The good news is this: If the over-50 are willing to redefine what "home" means they can keep a roof over their heads. If not, they could wind up like 50% of the aging who are single: homeless. In this article in Substack I discuss 6 ways to prevent homelessness. Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges ...

It's Okay If You Don't Want to Unretire

  Almost half of the retired are considering unretiring .  That leaves the other half to almost have to apologize for not being busy bees chasing after work, any kind. The old status stuff has gone kaput. All that matters is that you have work. And that you take it quite seriously.  Meanwhile, slow-living has become so uncool. And those content with a sleepy-paced existence are constantly reminded that they risk running out of money. So, go get a job. My role as a coach to that other half - the ones not interested in rejoining the rat race - is to give them permission to continue being relaxed.  If that doesn't liberate them from their distress at not being part of the new in crowd I suggest they think about setting an alarm clock. That can re-awaken the horror of holding onto work demands. In itself that will motivate them to return to full enjoyment of being totally post-work.  Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging f...

Boomer Nest Eggs - Recovery, At Least So Far Today

  With inflation, especially in what it takes to keep a roof over our heads, there's fierce focus on how our investments are panning out. So far today, things are looking up. 42,622.88 +230.61  (+0.54%) As of Fri. Jan 3, 2025 10:49 AM EST · Free Realtime Quote (USD) · Market open Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email . Remote and in-person.

The Unretired - Former SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer Gets Back in the Saddle

  Almost half of those who retire decide to return to work.  Inflation hasn't abated, the stock market which impacts their nest eggs is volatile and it can be downright boring enjoying the supposed good life. As a career coach specializing in the over-50 I assist the unretired with their resumes and other job-search materials. Here is the resume "cheat sheet" I put together. Gaps in an employment history can be handled with a functional resume. This movement back to work includes former US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bryer, age 86. Reuters reports that Bryer: " ... will serve as a member of three-judge panels hearing appeals arising out of cases litigated in New England, marking the first time he has done so since stepping down from the Supreme Court in June 2022." That will involve nine cases. Those include the dispute about Bar Harbor, Maine's limits on the cruise ships.  Among those heading back to employment there might be the determination to put...

2025 - Dow & Boomer Nest Eggs

2025 opens with an uptick for Boomers: 42,695.24 USD ▲  +151.02 (+0.35%) today January 2, 9:42 AM EST   ·   Market Open   Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles and how to gain control of an interview. I specialize in over-50 work issues. My edge is a background in marketing communications. For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email . Remote and in-person.